Routledge Handbook of Chinese Medicine

Routledge Handbook of Chinese Medicine

The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Medicine is an extensive, interdisciplinary guide to the nature of traditional medicine and healing in the Chinese cultural region, and its plural epistemologies. Established experts and the next generation of scholars interpret the ways in which Chinese medicine has been understood and portrayed from the beginning of the empire (third century BCE) to the globalization of Chinese products and practices in the present day, taking in subjects from ancient medical writings to therapeutic movement, to talismans for healing and traditional medicines.

Authors: Vivienne Lo & Michael Stanely-Baker
Page count: 797

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

This book is not meant to be a treatise of TCM, as most of the principles are well known to all practitioners of TCM. It is not a reference book. It is a dialogue between “Ancient and Modern traditions” which reveals an original approach to methods of diagnosis and treatments, always seeking to attain the essential and to transform complexity into simplicity. “Performed with a clear mind, a treatment will give a clear and fast result”. But what looks very simple is in fact very difficult to grasp.

Authors: Dr. Li Xin & Dr. Claudine Merer
Page count: 435