Hepatology A Clinical Textbook

Hepatology - A Clinical Textbook

Hepatology – A Clinical Textbook gives a comprehensive overview on the epidemiology, virology, and natural history of all hepatitis viruses including hepatitis A, D and E. Subsequent chapters cover all major aspects of the management of hepatitis B and C including coinfections with HIV and liver transplantation. Importantly, complications of chronic liver disease such as hepatocellular carcinoma and recent developments in assessing the stage of liver disease are also covered. Finally, interesting chapters on autoimmune and metabolic non-viral liver diseases complete the book.

Author: Stefan Mauss
Page count: 365

Zakim and Boyer's Hepatology. A textbook of liver disease

Zakim & Boyer's Hepatology

This edition continues the tradition of changing authors and adding new chapters to cover areas not previously discussed in detail in the previous edition. Fifty-one of the chapters have new or additional authors compared to the previous edition. We also have added 20 new chapters that cover subjects such as hepatotoxicity from herbal preparations, pediatric viral hepatitis and pharmacogenomics that were not in the previous edition. These new chapters reflect our commitment to keeping Zakim and Boyer’s Hepatology current and providing the reader with the latest advancements in liver disease as well as the influence of the new editors.

Author: Thomas D. Boyer
Page count: 1463