
The Renal Drug Handbook

"The Renal Drug Handbook" is an indispensable resource providing comprehensive guidance on drug prescribing and management in renal patients. Authored by leading experts, this handbook offers evidence-based information on dosage adjustments, drug interactions, and pharmacokinetics specific to renal function. Accessible through Medihealth Pedia, this book equips healthcare professionals with essential tools to ensure safe and effective medication use in nephrology practice. With its user-friendly format and up-to-date content, The Renal Drug Handbook serves as an invaluable reference for clinicians, pharmacists, and medical students navigating the complexities of renal pharmacotherapy.

Authors: Caroline Ashley & Aileen Dunleavy
Page count: 1109


Oxford Handbook of Nephrology and Hypertension

The book is laid out in twelve chapters, allowing easy access to information on a particular clinical theme. Clinical importance is measured in space, so diabetic nephropathy is given more attention than, for example, Fanconi’s syndrome. The section on renal replacement therapies gives an overview of the essential elements of both dialysis and transplantation. Those looking for more detailed notes on all aspects of dialysis therapy are referred to our sister volume The Oxford Handbook of Dialysis , or, for general nephrology and transplant topics, our parent text The Oxford Textbook of Nephrology.

Author: Simon Steddon
Page count: 1002

Nephrology Clinical Cases Uncovered

Nephrology - Clinical Cases Uncovered

Renal medicine is often viewed as a complex, ‘ hard- core ’ medical specialty, mastered by a small minority of intellectual physicians. The lasting impression of many medical students (and indeed non - renal specialists) is of a list of glomerulonephritides (GNs), which have random and difficult names and blur into one incomprehensible mass. In reality, nephrology is actually relatively simple and logical. The main part of this book consists of 31 cases, which have been chosen because they reflect the bread and butter of day - to - day life as a nephrologist.

Author: Menna Clatworthy
Page count: 268